Bible Commentary Series Translation


"Good preaching is impossible without study, and study is impossible without good books." Rev. John Stott

 "How can I study without good books in my language?" Ethiopian preacher

The Translation Project

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Our first translation project involves translating the Welwyn Commentary Series (WCS) into Amharic. Brana Gospel Focus Ministry has received full permission from EP (Evangelical Press) to undertake this translation project. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to EP for funding this project and entrusting us with the PDF format of all 56 volumes of the WCS series.

Help Us Complete This Project

Four Published Commentaries

Book Request

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The Need For Essential Resources


The church of God faces an ongoing challenge of believers falling prey to various false teachings. While this issue has affected churches throughout history and across different regions, African churches in the 21st century are particularly vulnerable to attacks from false prophets and teachers who disguise themselves as genuine shepherds. This vulnerability stems from pastors and preachers lacking the necessary ministry skills and access to reliable biblical resources in their own languages, hindering their ability to firmly establish their flocks in the Gospel. As a result, these pastors, with limited training and resources, find themselves unable to protect their congregations while unknowingly becoming victims themselves.

The true gospel of Jesus Christ is often replaced by counterfeit versions as church pulpits increasingly become platforms for false prophets and teachers who boastfully display supposed "superior spiritual powers" or material wealth as evidence of God's favor on their teachings and prophetic gifts. Consequently, many believers, pastors, and preachers are being lured into this deception.

To address this critical issue and restore the true gospel to the pulpits, Brana Gospel Focus Ministry aims to produce essential resources that equip pastors and preachers.

Advisory Board


Dr. Endale Gebremeskel

ETC Lecturer


Dr. Misgana Mathewos

EGST Director


Dr. Peter Myers

EGST Lecturer


Dr. Tessema Wachamo

ETC Lecturer


Dr. Afework Hailu

EGST Lecturer